
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Making Healthy Choices Everyday

Hey rapture people, don't look so sad, it's not the end of the world.  My cousin married a funny guy, and this is what he'd written on his F.B. page today.  Just had to borrow it for your viewing pleasure, because  it made me laugh today.  There is always one person, usually a man, claiming to know the day the world will come to an end.  Even when I was a kid, my next door neighbor had us all  digging a hole in his backyard so he could make a Fallout Shelter, because he believed,  along with his five kids, their was going to be a nuclear war in the late 60's.  By the way, he was a NASA engineer, and no dummy.   Needless to say, we dug the hole 15 wide,  2 feet deep before all construction stopped. We all got back to our lives of  riding  bikes, and rollerskating, and almost always tripped in that big gigantic  hole  whenever we played  in their backyard. 
Looking back in history I have never heard a women make such a claim that the world was going to end.  I wonder why?  And why we're on this subject,  why are all the cults in the world lead by middle aged, or old men?  Why are young women falling for their charismatic (sick) personalities, and joining them in their tripped out philosophy's.  Thank goodness I have a mother, and a father who gave me a sturdy foundation not to go off and follow every Tom, Dick, and Harry who came along with their ego loving, free love, world end's today freedom of speech!  They suck!
Awe, apparently just had to get that off my chest today!
Back to my original topic...I will be following the Fat Flush Plan for a time. I bought author Ann Louise Gittleman book awhile back, and recently picked it up, and read it again    It lines up with the BFC idea's, and possibly Fast Track (but I don't have Jorge Cruise book yet, so I am starting on  this plan for the time being. Her Fat Flush approach is to simply clean out your liver, and clean out your lymphatic system in order to get things moving again.  She claims the signs of a toxic liver are:
Weight gain, especially around the abdomen.
Abdominal bloating
High Blood Pressure
Elevated cholesterol
Mood Swings, Depression, and Skin rashes.  When your liver is sluggish, every organ in your body is affected, and your weight loss efforts are blocked.  Unable to carry out its activities to control glucose, a toxic liver can lead to hypoglycemia, which can produce sugar cravings, weight gain, and sabotage your weight loss efforts.   This being said, I am starting on Phase 1:  The Two Week Fat Flush.  Phase 1includes increasing oil (in the form of flax seed oil),  fiber, water, and exercise.  I noticed eating on Phase 1 is almost exactly like Fast Track is, no unhealthy carbs.
Phase 1
Oil intake:   1 tbls. twice daily of organic high-lignan flaxseed oil.  Omega 3 fat-fighting and insulin-regulating.
Lean Protein:  Up to 2 whey servings,  up to 2 eggs, and a minimum of 8 ounces of cooked lean protein. Protein raises metabolism by 25%, and activates the liver's detoxifying enzymes.
Eggs:  Up to 2 per day.  Support your liver's cleansing process. Omega 3 enriched.
Vegetables:  Unlimited, raw or steamed. These fibrous and colorful phytonutrient-rich vegetables will help speed your liver's cleansing and provide valuable carotenoids.
Fruits:  2 whole portions daily.  Choose from 1 sm. apple, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 small orange, 2 medium plums, 6 large strawberries, 10 large cherries, 1 nectarine, 1 peach. 1 pear, and 1 cup berries ( blue, black, rasp) Natures's natural cleansers are high in enzymes and minerals potassium, and low on the glycemic index.
Cranberry Water:  8 glasses a day.  Purpose: The unsweetened cranberry juice-water mixture eliminates water retention, cleanses accumulated wastes from the lymphatic system, and also helps to clean up cellulite. Mixture:  Fill two 32oz. water bottles with 4 ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice and 28 ounces of water.
Long Life Cocktail:  Taken two times daily: on arising and before bed.  Purpose: to  increase elimination and balance hormones.  How to: In 8 ounces of the cranberry water, add either 1 full teaspoon of powdered psyllium husks or 1 tbs of ground flaxseeds.  Drink it quickly before it clumps!
Legal Cheat:   1 cup of organic coffee in the morning.
Supplements:  GLA  breakfast and dinner, and a daily balanced Multivitamin.
Before Breakfast:  Drink an 8 ounce cup of hot water with the juice of 1/2 lemon to assist your kidneys and liver.
Okay, this is week one and two in a nut shell.    I think it sounds like a good plan to help my liver out since it does so much work for my body.   So I will be in detox for a few weeks, and hopefully my liver will continue to love it!    Has anyone ever tried the Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman?  Love to hear from you if you have given it a go.   Keep striving to live healthy everyone!

 I  read an article today in the  newspaper  about the oldest living person in the world, and she's now 114 years old.  This Brazilian women, Grandma Quinta,  tributes her long life to eating a daily roll with fruit for breakfast.  She has a fondness for Feijoada - Brazil's national dish, a hearty bean stew with various cuts of salted pork meat - and Chicken Empada pastries, with a lot of hot sauce!   She also indulges in a nip of wine on occasion ( I would too for my aches and pains).  She also says she's stubborn, has taken care of her own life, and not the life of others.  In essence, she minded her own business for most of her life.  Go figure!


  1. i have never heard of this or read anything by this author. I read it through very carefully several times, and I don't see anything that I think will hurt you (I know, you did not ask me to do that, but friends do that for each other, lol) I definitely see elements of FT in here. I will be very interested to see how this works for you Kasey and how you feel as you proceed though it. Please keep us posted! Wishing you the very best, always.

  2. You should do whatever works for you. I too have not heard of this, but I am not looking for dieting tip, since the BFC has worked so well for me. The juice and extra fruit might be too much sugar.
    I feel - that you should have at least 1 -3 grain carbs a day so you won't be tempted to cheat. That's just my opinion. And one of the reasons that The Belly Fat cure was so effective for me. Not the Fast Track.
    Good luck and have a great weekend :-)

  3. I have read some of her books and they make sense to me. Keep us posted I am very interested to hear what you think of the fat flush. :)

  4. Phase 1: The Two-Week Fat Flush
    Phase 2: The Ongoing Fat Flush
    Phase 3: The Lifestyle Eating Plan
    What I've written about is only Phase 1. It doesn't include grains for the first two weeks. Phase 2 introduces two "friendly carbohydrates". Rosalie it looks like carbs are out, but the spinach, kale, and all the other veges I'm taking is balancing that out. It's good to read other books because of the studies and ongoing information they have to offer. This book came out long before the BFC, and so did the Sugar Buster book, were you can see he's borrowed information. They are all in it to learn and get ideas. I will keep posting, and keep exploring. I'm just trying to get back energy, and I feel my liver and lymphatic system needs the help right now, because it's running so sluggish right now.

  5. Kasey, Loved your blog today made me laugh and I am glad we dont follow every Tom, Dick or Harry I have heard about the fat flush diet but have not tried it. I have been on every diet in the world but not that one. I have found that the BFC has been the best for me but even at the point I am at now I think I might need to shake things up a bit to start losing again. And I am really struggling with the thought of not being able to have watermelon this summer.

  6. I had a masseuse tell me a long time ago that my liver wasnt functioning well! How weird! I do have several of those symptoms. This week Im limiting my foods, since Ive had an allergic breakout and am trying to figure out where it came from.
