
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Sometimes it takes a recommitted attitude to challenge us as a group to get back on track, and Amber has set the bar this month.  She's challenging our BFC, FT, and just about anybody that wants to lose 5 lb. during the month of May to join in.   Please let her know you are up to tackling the May Challenge by logging onto her site at or just simply click on her site to the right of my page, listed under my BFC Overachievers Blog Role.    Amber just finished a relay race this past weekend that had her running her thin legs off,  like she never  imagined she could do in her life!    Thank you Amber for running for a worthy charity, Organs R Us,  and having a great time doing it!  

My plan is to live the BFC (Belly Fat Cure)  lifestyle up to 3:00 pm, and then try F.T. (Fast Track)  until my head hits the pillow each night for this month of May.  My four pounds have a way of coming and going, and I need to recommit and breakthrough by losing five pounds, so I can continue to my goal, and break this wretched curse Thirty pounds to go after May baby!

BREAKFAST:   Protein Shake = Protein Powder,  Strawberries,  Almond Milk, 2 Tbls. Cream, Greek Yogurt, Super Seed, and Xylitol.  Coffee,  1 cup with cream.

LUNCH:  Chili, 1 scoop white rice. (I know, I know).  Iced tea.

SNACK:  Deviled egg, w/ olive oil/mayo,  Mojo Chips.

DINNER:  Steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Zucchini with Feta Cheese.

SUPPLEMENT:  2 Cinnamon capsules  (410mg each).   1 Bone Builder Vitamin D3  (2,000IU),  1 capsule of a Probiotic (8strains).

Okay enough said.   My motto for the May Challenge will be:  JUST DO IT!  Nike you owe me a billion bucks for coming up with that slogan - (smile). We are in this together through our ups and our downs, and I hope May brings not only May flowers, but some downs as far as inches & numbers go!  Good Luck for this May Weight Loss Challenge to becoming a healthier YOU!  Please visit the rest of my  friends blogs to the right of my page, and  read about their amazing transformations, and journey as they strive to live in the moment!  I'd love to hear your story, and add your blog to my list, so others can get to know you. Please leave a comment if you are wondering about anything, or just contemplating on the meaning of life!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Kasey, All your food was great except lunch.But I'm not shaking my finger or nogthin LOL.
    I know you can do it!!! Can I have some of that dinner at the top?? Woo Yum !!
    Have a great day :-)
