
Monday, October 18, 2010

The Road to Hana

This past Saturday I decided to meet my friends in Hana for an overnight camping trip.  They left on Friday and set up camp before I drove over to meet them the next day.  Boy, what a drive it takes to get to one of the most beautiful places on earth!  I think the tourist shops still sell a t-shirt that says, "I Survived The Road To Hana".

It takes a few hours from my house to travel over the  54 bridges, and approximately  600 sharp curves that become one lane in many situations.  I was praying I didn't meet the usual crazy local who thunders by in his or her  Monster truck at a high speed causing everyone to hold their breath, then exhale slowly, with a huge sigh of relief to come out unscathed.

My friend and I hiked 4 miles (total) to a bamboo forest, and then up to Waimoku Falls.  I have been walking my dogs so my heart wasn't pounding too bad,  and it didn't take much of a beating. (no pun intended).   I was conscience of the fact  I had a little pain in my ankle, and my knees had a tinge of pain from the descent.  I had rolled my ankle once in camp on a protruding rock, and lucky it rolled right back but it's still somewhat sore.  The climb was worth every minute and a little tinge of pain was okay!

Back in camp I brought out my cooler filled with little cups of Tofu, sweet potato, more tofu & vegetables, and made an almond sandwich with Ezekiel 100% sprouted grain.  I drank a lot of water on this trip, because Hana gets so humid, and hot!   Dinner was a barbecue burger (no bun), broccoli salad,  and after swimming and hiking all day,  it tasted really good!  There is something magical about camping, sunrise,  new mornings, great coffee, and  eating eggs and bacon over the Coleman stove, don't you think?

As my 16th week begins I started it off with a bang!   I thought I would wake up feeling  stiff and sore today, but I actually woke up feeling great!  I ate right, and  refused the soda, chips, and whatever else my friends brought along in their cooler.  I'm ready to hit another trail, and having more adventures ahead!


  1. You are so lucky to have such beautiful landscape!! Great job eating well and exercising. Do you think you could've done this eating sugar and the other junk? I know i couldn't have. Your pictures are absolutely awesome!!

  2. Thank you Lisa,
    Lugging an extra 16lb. up some pretty tricky places, manuvering myself around, over streams, rocks, and hiking over a lot of uneven terrain would have been exhausting. I didn't even want to carry my 1.5 ltr. bottled water on this hike. So imagine 16 pounds (approximately 25 filled bottles) or an equivelent of two infants weighing 8 lb each. That's a lot of fat to be free from. Can't wait to rid myself of another 16 lb. I'll be climbing bloody Everest!

  3. Wow Kasey! What a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing it with us! Love the pictures, almost feel like I'm there too! How empowering to be in such an amazing place and be able to hike and have such energy to enjoy and delight, all the while taking such good care of yourself and eating so healthy! Great start to your 16th week and yes, you could be climbing Everest!

  4. Wow Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures and you should be so proud of eating so healthy while camping.

  5. HI Kasey,

    Where is that place? Its just so beautiful!! I am very proud of you to turn down all that stuff. I know how hard that is. You are doing a great job! Keep on BFC' N :-)

  6. Hi Rosalie,
    Hana is a sleepy community on the Island of Maui. It's still has a laid back feeling like Maui had 20 yr. ago... Are you still in Vegas or back home? It must be hard to leave your Dad each time...
