
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Staying on a plateau for the past three weeks can lead to throwing in the towel.  In my case it's made me even more determined to tighten up the reigns, and get a fresh outlook on what I have to do to go the distance.  I've only just begun, and the BFC is working for me, but now I need to add in more exercise!
While visiting my family for the past seven days in San Diego I have come back to my life here with a renewed energy, positive frame of mind, and ready to lose this extra baggage.  I spent the last day of my trip looking through all our family photo albums trying to find a fat picture of myself.  I wasn't overweight, not ever!  So how did I gain fifty pounds of unhealthy lard?   A little more than ten years ago I was the Head Coach for Age Group Swimming and I wasn't that overweight.   After I quit coaching  my fat really started to compound,  around age forty six.  Of course that's it, I wasn't swimming anymore, and I stopped  exercising, except for an occasional stroll with my dogs or my friend. 
What I found out when I was coaching kids to swim and compete were a lot of useful teachings.  The hardest by far was how  I  would  learn  to  impart "motivation".   Just how did I get sixty five kids interested in competition, and diving off the blocks in Speedo's, (admittedly boys were harder to convince)?  How did those kids come to practice five days a week to swim laps for a few hours while staring at the black line on the bottom of the pool, and then attend a swim meet  held every Saturday?   Everyday I had to shake things up!  I had to make things interesting,  teach  them new skills, and  make it fun!   I was constantly thinking up new games related to fun, and  more importantly I had to keep the kids interested so they could  better their swimming skills without them becoming bored of the hard work it took to become the best they could be!
MOTIVATION!  It's one of the hardest things to personally have, and to give to someone else, unless a light goes on, a spark is lit, and it ignites a fire!   C'mon BFC light my fire!


  1. You have great willpower and its true when we get discouraged, we shouldn't give up but only show ourselves we can try that much harder to not let this defeat us! :) Great job Kasey and by the way love all the beautiful pictures on your blog!

  2. Hi Kasey, I agree that sometimes we just feel like those seals in the picture. We just want to lay around. I am like them and don't want to exercise. I love, Love, LOVE to walk fast every day though. Why don't you just with that. Don't jump into to too much too fast when you are not used to it. The pictures are beautiful! Have a great Day! :-)

  3. Hi Kasey...don't, don't give up. Just check to see if your eating any hidden sugar, it shows up everywhere. This past summer, i wasn't losing and figured out that the tortillas i was eating had sucralose, so after i thew them out, i was back on track. I've been doing this for 9 months and have only lost 41 lbs. So it is a slow process. I just figure it took years before i noticed that all the sugar i was eating was turning to lots of fat, so i figure it's gonna take time to get it off, sometimes i thing of what people have said about pregnancy, it takes 9 months for your body to prepare for the child, now it will take 9 months for your body to get back to normal, pre pregnancy stage. You'll be fine, just keep blogging away. Beautiful pictures!!

  4. You have great determination Kasey, and you are thinking things through, which seems to be half the battle when it comes to achieving any goal. You have come this far, you have what it takes to continue. A step at a time, a moment at a time. If water is your medium, go for it. I work out in water all the time. It makes exercise a pure pleasure. And is good for the spirit as well as the body. I am not sure how exercise works with the BFC, meaning that I don't know if it will make you unmanageably hungry. I am still trying to work this out myself. Whatever choice you decide to make, don't get discouraged...I still think your body is working in ways that are not evident yet. Blessings to you, and wishing you the very, very best. Helen

  5. Welcome home Kasey....or should I say Aloha!!! I have dreamed of visiting Hawaii one day & hopefully one day we can meet! How fun would that be!?? I was not big into exercise until one of my best friends from high school & I joined the local gym in Feb/March. We began meeting there & working out 3-4x week & if I dared not show up, omg, he would be calling me!! Perhaps an exercise buddy would help? It helped me tremendously!! He cancelled his membership a few weeks ago as he cant find time to get to the gym & bought an elliptical. I have found that not having him to be accountable to has made my own workout ethics wane. I make alot of excuses anymore. I always feel better when I exercise & I refuse to ditch my membership just because he did. Tomorrow I am going to the gym...Period...NO EXCUSES!! If you want to email or txt or call to be accountable for activity or whatever let me know. It is so helpful when you are accountable to another person!!
