
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What's The Hurry

HURRY \    vb:  go or cause to go with haste. n: extreme haste. 
Today I got word that my best friend is battling  Kidney Stones, and has been in quite a lot of pain since last Thursday.  She was having this problem a few months ago, and went to the  Emergency  Center because she was in so much pain.  She was given pain killers, and her Doctor gave her antibiotics for an infection that had also developed.  My friend was told to go home, and that she would pass the stone probably without her knowing it since it was small.  Her weight last year was 250lb. I noticed she had been eating a little less and  losing weight so fast every time we caught up over the weekend for our  breakfast outings.  She said the other day that her weight was 209lb.  I know her sister was taking a weight loss drug last year, and she had lost so much weight, and then in less than  a few months had gained it all back,  due to a stressful event in her life.  Now I'm wondering if my friend chose  that path so she could lose weight faster.

I don't believe in weight loss drugs because I've tried a few different ones,   the longest time was a week in my younger years, and I noticed my eye would  get this little annoying twitch in it, and even this little change in my body would let me know that it was not a good thing for me personally to take weight loss drugs.    Doesn't sound like much, but I have always tried to do things naturally, and  I've tried to keep a balance even when I was literally overeating.  Too much protein, veges, starches were found on my plate in abundance, and this is why I needed to get my health back in line by following The Belly Fat Cure Book.  Jorge Cruise has written his best seller to bring a balanced way to eat and lose weight safely, but through misinterpreting it's contents can also due a lot of harm. 

When you eat large amounts of animal protein and saturated fats, and do not eat whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits, there is no fiber to bind all of the toxins and fat together to be eliminated from your body.  You will eventually do an incredible amount of harm to yourself.  Your poor kidneys are in serious jeopardy of developing stones, aging prematurely, and failing altogether. The kidneys must work  twice as hard to break down protein and remove waste. Diabetics are in even worse trouble with a high-protein diet because they are already at a higher risk of kidney disease to begin with.   Don't care about your kidneys and just want to lose weight?   Quoted from the book Skinny Bitch Page 40 

I've seen Jorge's Facebook fan page.  Some people have written things like: so we can't eat any fruit on the BFC and I'm really going to miss it;  and others describe their breakfast as having a plate piled sky high with bacon, eggs, and cheese... I think these people will blame their diet failures, or when they develop health issues  because they chose to stay ignorant.  They  haven't taken the time to really explore the pages in the BFC, and other health books.  Yes, FRUIT IS AN OPTION,  berries have the lowest natural sugars,  and Yes,  ANIMAL PROTEIN (eggs, bacon  are  okay,  but make the wisest choice!  I'm buying bacon now without Nitrates = preservatives, and it is not just salt, as someone thought.  Fresh vegetables are the best source for weight loss, when combined in meals, or eaten alone, and they do get your colon moving.  Remember to drink plenty of water this is also very important.  Walking 20 minutes a day moves the colon.  As we go on this journey to lose weight,  we also must go on it safely.   Don't be in such a hurry to loose 9 lb. in a week,  our bodies aren't designed to do this week after week for long periods of time.  Lose weight slowly, and learn what your body needs.  And when your emotions start to lead you by the hand this is another story!


  1. Wow, great post! I definitely like to keep my animal protein to a minimum. I definitely think we need lots of veggies & too much protein = not enough veggies. I think this is a post I'll refer to often!

  2. This a great post, sometimes i'm guilty of not getting enough vegies and fiber. Thanks for the reminder!!

  3. HI Kasey,
    What an Awesome post today! I feel the exact same way - slower is better. And trying to cut corners with drugs or surgery is not the answer either. Have a great day! :-)

  4. I agree. Although the BFC is working wonderfully for me, I was not impressed by the idea that anyone needs to judge the effectiveness of the program by whether or not they lose up to 9 lbs. a week. Everyone's body is different, every body loses at it's own pace and time. How you feel is far more important than speed of weight loss, IMO. And, it takes time to gain weight and time to lose it in my experience too. Anyone who is eating piles of bacon etc, is not using their common sense and not eating mindfully either. Thank you for your very thought provoking post Kasey.

  5. Thank you my dear friends, I want you all to live happy, healthy lives!

  6. Hey Kasey that was a great post. I have tried those diet drugs in the past and stayed on them for only a week because my heart seemed to pounding out of my chest. To lose weight the natural and healthy way is the BEST!

  7. Turns out my best friend not only has Kidney Stones that she is passing, and had surgery w/ a lasar for the one that was stuck. The Doctor's ran blood test and found out she is also Diabetic (375 sugar levels)! Now she has to take a half pill every day. I saw her today after a week, and she has been through a lot of pain. The three stones are like grains of sand, and hurt like heck, with a pain level of 12, and it comes on out of no where! Her Mom and sister are both overweight, and also are Diabetic. The Dr. and nurse told her to start a walking program, and of course to lose weight. She is only 51 yr. old, and weighs 209lb. So we all need to stay the course!
