
Friday, December 10, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away...

I woke up to a downpour that lasted through out the night, and had to leave my warm cozy bed while it was still dark out, to be hit in the head by water falling off my roof ( in buckets)!   As I arrived to work I gingerly stepped out of  my truck into  three inches of water, which seemed to be  raging rivers circling  around my tennis shoes, causing them to become instantly drenched.   It's better to wake up like this I suppose, than to wake up and find your roof had blown off your house, or business due to the 40MPH winds like the Oahu residents  experienced during the night.  The firefighters were busy over on that island repairing roofs, and cutting up tree's that had fallen down in the roads.  It's been quite some storm!  We were lucky this time, and  can safely say the drought for  the Hawaiian Islands is officially over.  The Big Island  of Hawaii is getting hit with a ton of rain right now, and they  have  flash flood advisory warnings tonight,  so they  no longer  have drought conditions either, which  rarely happens to that island in the first place.    I'm sitting here blogging with my jacket on, and my little dogs have their ski jackets on too!  Okay, I didn't really write this did I?   I did buy them  some cute doggie fleeced lined little cover ups with  fuzzy collars, which my husband said is humiliating to them, and he also doesn't want me to take them out in public looking this way!   I told Mochi and Oreo they look very cute, and they wagged their tails, so I think they think they look good too!  Shssss, don't tell my husband I'm talking to dogs, he'll think I'm crazy! (Even though he does it - all the time!)
Well today I ate the following:  Org. Coffee w/ half n half.  Salad (no dressing- forgot to put it on), Yams, Egg Fu Young  (Tofu Style).  Snack: Dark Chocolate Mac Nut/Raw Almond  Cluster (homemade).  Dinner: Chili, made with organic beef, cheese, and sour cream and a cup of Unsweetened Almond Breeze milk.  I missed breakfast because I didn't want to go out on my break to grab something from Starbucks because of the rivers, and my shoe's and all.  Most mornings I walk over on my break to SB and  get a breakfast sandwich,  made with Bacon, Egg, and Gouda cheese,  on an Artisan Roll.  The BFC list the S/C Value  1/2.  I usually get a tall bold coffee to go with it, no sugar, cinnamon and half and half.   Hope our Sisterhood is thriving, and everyone is having a great week! Stay dry and warm too!


  1. I think your dogs look adorable. I've been off of the BFC more than I've been on (trying other plans, etc.), but I'm back starting today. I love our sisterhood support group. Your menu looks great.

  2. HI Kasey, I think your dogs look so cute, however (don't get mad and don't tell hubby I said this) but I agree w/ him. Dogs are not meant to wear clothes. But they are so adorable I am a big dog lover. I hope you stay dry and have a great weekend. :-)

  3. Hi Girls,
    To: Cat, Thank you, and I hope you have success on it now, and the best part is, we'll support you every way we girls can. To Rosalie, I don't dress them up, only when they go outside to do their business in the rain, and for pictures as in this case. But I was just thinking she looks like the girl I never had, and he's like the rascally boy I did have! Ha Ha!

  4. Oh, I would love to see Hawaii! Even in the pouring rain. Your blog pictures are really a treat Kasey. My parents went on a vacation to Hawaii, about 15 years ago and my Mother told me at the time that if she had ever come when she was young, she would never have left! I have a small dog too. He is a rescued Chihuahua named Quinnie. I have had him since he was fairly young. Now he is approx. 10 yearz old. He is a red and cream longhair. Oversized at 9 lbs. but all chihuahua even so. He is my constant companion, sitting in his bed by my desk even now as I type. I would be lost without him. Very cold here. I am wearing a jacket, in the house, lol. Still BFC'ing and so grateful for all the other woman who are doing the same and sharing their experience. I would be lost without all of you. Wishing everyone the very best! Helen

  5. I think your dogs look so adorable and I put sweaters on my dogs when I take them out in the cold and they dont seem to mind. We are also having tons of rain which is causing floods. I am hoping to get to visit Hawaii someday.

  6. To Helen: My Grandparents took me on my first vacation to Hawaii in 1973, for my Graduation present from H.S. and I fell in love with it. Took me another 6 years before I moved over for good. Quinnie found the perfect rescue home! To Diana, Helen, and Sista's: You never know what the future holds, maybe we can all work something out for a stay here. That would be so fun to meet, and go on hikes, and see the island. Start saving your pennies!

  7. I'd rather be where you are Kasey, we have been dumped with so much snow and ice. We live in the country, down a long lane and were stranded yesterday, my husband couldn't even get out!! It's bad when he can't even get out. Those were the kind of days when i'd eat like crazy, lot's of carbs!! This time i just made legal chili. Love your pups, i have three of them and couldn't live without them!! Have a great week!!

  8. Hey Lisa,
    Lisa are you blogging? I've had Amy's Chili twice this week. Lots of good ol fashion fiber. Also heard beans are good to eat for diabetics. I'm not, but my friend is now, and she was reading an article about it the other day. We are all dog lovers in this group of ladies. Auntie M (Makana) is our big lab/weimer mix and she lives in the backyard and is not pictured, so I also have three. Have a great week too, and stay warm by your fireplace?
