
Friday, December 3, 2010


I wish I could say I enjoy the holidays like I used to when I was a kid. During this time of year emotions run high, people feel too rushed, and the Season brings a lot of stress over spending, and gift selection as we  head into December like a frigging freight train.  Today my boss told me he is asking his family to donate to it's local Food Bank in their home town, and he will do the same with the money he usually spends on them.   I like this idea a lot!  The front page of our local newspaper stated yesterday, that over two million people will lose their extended unemployment as of today!  Our local unemployment is the lowest in the nation around 6.70%. 
I've spent the past two weeks getting over the worse flu I think I've ever had, mainly due to the severe headache's caused by the tension of all the coughing I was doing.  My chest is feeling a little less stress on it now, and my energy levels are slowly climbing out of the trenches to the place I was before getting sick.  I've worked this past week in almost a daze, and when the end of my shift rolls around, I drive home from work to recuperate.  My doggies haven't been on a walk in two weeks! They are coping because I bought them some hard Nyla bones to take their energy out on.  I wasn't ready for this flu since getting the flu shot four weeks ago, and all the medicine we had in the house was outdated.  I was finding cough medicine dated 2007. I was finding Tylenol that was dated 2001.  Guess we haven't been sick with the flu in a long time. Tonight I went to the health food store and picked up a bottle of Barlean's Oliveleaf Complex and Bronchial Soothe. This new Barlean's supports a * Healthy Immune System, *Healthy Joints,*Healthy Blood Pressure, and *Cardiovascular System. It's a Super Orac Antioxidant.   Last week my lowest weight was 167, and tonight it is back to 169 lb.  I am still following the BFC guidelines and I'm on the road to recovery, but I want to get back into my comfortable routine of eating fresh vegetables, and planning balanced, healthy meals.  Hope everyone else is having success in your lifestyle plan. Remember to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, and spread your wings so all can take shelter beneath them! 


  1. Hi Kasey, I'm so sorry that you are still sick. I hope you feel better by this weekend. Call me over the weekend so we can talk. :-)

  2. Hi Kasey, I have not been blogging for a few days. I am so sorry to hear that you are still sick! I hope that you are feeling somewhat better since your post. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I can relate to all you have said about the holidays. I have not felt enthused about them for many years. This year we will not have any money for gifts, period. Not even charitable ones. I wish it was different but for now the best we will be able to do is dinner and a tree. At least I hope so. I am counting my blessings none the less, and taking it a day at a time. I am still on the BFC and very glad to be. I discovered after Thanksgiving how much I really prefer eating this way. I would not go back even if I could. Wishing you the very best. PLMK how you are feeling. Helen

  3. Hi Kasey, So sorry to hear you are still sick. I hope you are on your way back to recovery. I cant believe what a big difference in your look good girl.

  4. Kasey!! This is the first that I have looked at anyones blogs in a week with all my issues going on. How sweet you are to write on my blog such lovely notes of encouragement, even when you were feeling terrible. I cant thank you enough! I pray that this flubug leaves you my friend. It is so awful to feel yucky like that for so long. You almost get despondent & feel like "will I ever feel better again?" I know you will though. Do take care & if I lived in HI, I would bring you chicken soup!! Love ya girl!! Sherri
